picture of gero

Hey there!

I'm Gero.
I'm an artist and developer kind of person dabbling in lots of different things. I'll try to compile the interesting stuff in a list here.

Contact me at gero [at] this domain.

mastodon, youtube, bandcamp.

I earn my living as a freelance web developer. If you think we should work together, feel free to contact me! I prefer working with smaller companies and without intermediate HR agencies.

My unreasonable mac setup for video calls, categorized by audio, video, screen sharing, with more reasonable options.


Here are some random things that I have learned recently. Maybe I'll post about stuff like that more regularly.


I have just published the first public release of the ottopot MIDI controller


I am currently building and documenting a DIY MIDI controller I'm calling the Ottopot.
It's 8 endless potentiometers + LED rings, it sends 14bit CCs and lives in a 3D printed case.
Read more about it on this mastodon post.
I will update this page with more info and build instructions as soon as I can.


Eimer-Timer, a tool to help you create an .ics from a printed Abfallkalender.


I made a browser based webmidi chord memory trigger thing


I've written a hammerspoon script to make it possible to have X/Y transpose dials for the LinnStrument.


I've played around with WebMidi and wrote a step sequencer using WebMidi and Vue.js. I still need to write a bit about how to use it.


I've bought a teenage engineering OP-Z and wrote a software for it that lets you put samples on the synth tracks. I also wrote a guide with some details about putting samples on the device.

Imprint: Verantwortlicher für den Inhalt dieser Seiten: Gero Takke, Karl-Nahrgang-Straße 10, 63225 Langen